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Take a few seconds to think about how often you use your arms. They’re active even when you’re not thinking about them.

Did you brush your hair off your face when you read this sentence? You have your arms to thank.

Narrow your focus further, and you’ll realize that your hands are the star of the show. Even a task as simple as pouring yourself a drink while you enjoy this article would be impossible without them.

Read on to learn what hand physical therapy is and the revitalizing benefits it can provide.

What Is Hand Physical Therapy?

Hand physical therapy, or hand therapy, is a physical therapy process. It doesn’t only treat conditions of the hands but can also help with problems in the:

  • Shoulder
  • Arm
  • Wrist
  • Elbow

These body parts are collectively known as the upper extremities.

Hand therapy is used when there is pain or weakness in these areas. Its aim is to relieve pain and restore normal function.

Conditions Hand Therapy Can Treat

Almost 25% of all the bones in the body are found in the hand. Every part of the upper extremities is used almost constantly every day.

It’s no wonder they’re so prone to injuries and pain. Hand therapy can treat almost all of them, including:

  • Carpal tunnel
  • Tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Arthritis
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Nerve injuries
  • Wounds, burns, or scars

How to Know You Need It

Hand therapy is safe for patients of all ages. It’s also highly customizable. There are signs to look for that suggest you may need it.

Have you had a recent injury or surgery? Do you have difficulty with daily activities that require the hands and arms?

Have you noticed changes in your upper extremities? A few of the most concerning include:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • Limited range of motion
  • Numbness or tingling

Benefits of Hand Therapy

The benefits of hand therapy are long-lasting and extensive.

It speeds up recovery after surgery or injuries. It also reduces pain, lessening the psychological impact of the injury.

Hand physical therapy allows patients to return to their lives as soon as possible. It restores essential parts of being able to use the hand every day, including:

  • Strength
  • Range of motion
  • Dexterity

It prevents further injury by learning proper body movements and addressing any underlying issues that caused the injury.

It also reduces the development of scar tissue, which is more than a cosmetic problem. It can build up in the hand and worsen pain and functioning.

What to Expect

The therapy process begins with an initial consultation. During this meeting, a professional will evaluate your current condition and ask about your medical history.

This helps create a treatment plan and set goals. You’ll get a combination of physical therapy exercises and other treatments to restore function and reduce pain.

Hand Therapy Techniques

There are various hand therapy techniques to choose from before or after surgery.

Custom splints or braces are essential after surgeries or significant injuries. Therapeutic exercises and manual therapy help encourage healing. Scar management is essential, and new and emerging techniques are also on the rise.

Custom Splints or Braces

Hand therapy professionals may need to create a custom splint or brace. It’s essential after surgeries.

They support the hand and immobilize it to prevent any further damage. They’re not a flawless solution, and non-adherence rates can reach up to 70%. That’s why it’s important to find a splint that fits. You must also follow all instructions from your doctor while wearing it.

Therapeutic and Range of Motion Exercises

Rehabilitation for hand pain or injury often involves regular appointments to perform specific exercises. The two main types are therapeutic and range-of-motion exercises.

Targeted therapeutic exercises focus on the affected area. They’re more multi-purpose and work to improve strength, flexibility, and coordination. They may have to grip or pinch an object or use specialized equipment.

Range-of-motion exercises focus on one specific problem caused by hand issues. They’re meant to help upper extremities that are “locked up” due to pain or injury. Gentle stretching and manual techniques allow the upper extremities to stretch further.

Manual Therapy

Two of the most common types of manual therapies are tissue and muscle stabilization. They can help reduce pain in the affected area. They also promote healing and prevent further damage.

Massage therapy may prove to be helpful. It can loosen up muscles in the affected area. It may even provide relief for nerve issues. Deep tissue massage is rarely necessary. It’s less effective on the upper extremities than on the rest of the body.

Functional Retraining

Hand injuries can make ADLs or activities of daily living difficult. Functional retraining exercises help prevent this.

Physical therapists can use functional retraining exercises. They allow patients to get used to performing certain movements again, such as gripping objects. That prevents discomfort when trying to perform the same movements in daily tasks.

Scar Management

Hand therapists may use massage, compression, or creams. They reduce scar adhesion and increase skin pliability.

Reducing scar buildup improves healing and keeps the condition from getting worse.

Other Physical Therapy Techniques

Hand therapy techniques may be used in conjunction with other treatments. Small stretches can help loosen the body, and the proper diet is also essential.

One of the latest techniques to add to your treatment plan is dry needling. This technique uses small, thin needles to target trigger points in muscles. It can reduce inflammation and scarring, help with pain, and restore function.

Find Hand Therapy Professionals

Hand physical therapy is one of the best ways to find relief after an injury or treat a condition in the upper extremities. It reduces pain, restores functionality, and speeds up healing so you can return to your daily life.

MPower has a team of physical therapists, personal trainers, massage therapists, and nutrition experts. Our occupational therapists specialize in treating the hands and the upper extremities.

We’ll use the latest treatment methods to create a treatment plan customized to your needs. Book an appointment online at one of our welcoming facilities today.

About the Author: writers-amwn

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